
Water Fountains
Monday April 27, 2020

One of the principal interests of any high school reunion committee is supporting its alma mater. Many RHS'69 Reunion Committee events are also fundraisers.
Through the years the committee events have raised tens of thousands of dollars to help the school and its students.
Recently we presented a check to RHS and donation committee chair Harold Fujii has the story.
People have been hanging around the water cooler since the dawn of time, chatting about wolly mammoth hunting, leaky caves and the lack of electricity.
Some people hang out there all day just to ambush and talk story with whomever walks by.

In one form or another water fountains have been around almost forever.
They even had them in schools in the 1960's.
During RHS'69 planning for its 50th anniversary last year, a key item was raising money for the school. This is something the Reunion Committee always has at the top of its agenda.
In 2013, as part of the Summer's End event, RHS'69 presented a check to Roosevelt High School for $25,000.
The money was given to the school to use where it felt was most important to serve the students.
Throughout the years the RHS'69 Reunion Committee has worked with our school to assist in funding needed improvements or educational material.
Our goal for the 50th Reunion was $5,000 dollars - which we exceeded thanks to the generosity of many who attended the reunion.
As the reunion approached, the RHS'69 donation committee (Dana Kobashigawa, JoAnn Oshima, Bev Lum and Harold Fujii) met with principal Sean Wong and vice-principal Jason Okamoto to discuss the best use of the money.
The decision was...water fountains.
This is what was picked - complete with a modern water bottle dispenser.
The students had been requesting water fountains and everyone thought it was a great idea.
We raised enough for four of these with the leftover money for unforeseen expenses, future maintenance or to buy additional filters as needed.
Two water fountains will be installed in the main building and two on the upper campus.
Students get their fountains and a great head start on hanging around them when they go out into the world of business.
The school will have something on each to note they were donated by "RHS Class of 69".
RHS'69 is proud we can help keep this million-year tradition alive and we deeply appreciate our generous alumni that helped make it possible.

Vice-Principal Jason Okamoto (L), Harold Fujii (RHS), Principal Sean Wong (R)